Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bullying in schools

I have decided to do my action research on bullying in schools. The significance of this action research will benefit teachers, administrators, and students. If bullying in school decreases it will improves behavior which means classroom management will improve. If behavior improves everyone in the school is happier. If we have happy teachers and students we have a great learning environment. An awesome learning environment will have better student achievement. Also great classroom management means there is more time for teacher to teach instead of dealing with misbehaved students.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Action Research

So far I have learned a lot about what is an action research. The action research focuses on the concern of the practitioner and engages the practitioner in the design, date collection, and the interpretation of the data around their question. In an action research the practitioner creates a question regarding a concern with his/her school and finds the solution and collaborates in the planning. I believe that an action research is a great way to find the solution to a problem in a campus.